IntroductionThe views of pageants can be seen both either negative or positive. Those that support beauty pageants believe it can be use as a way to boost up self-esteem. The pride of standing and modeling in front of an audience instills self-confidence and a sense of accomplishment. An addition that, the pageants increases the preparation for public speaking at an early age that children begin to obtain skills and prepare for the future. Accord to a researcher, "One positive aspect of beauty pageants is the fact that one can really become good at public speaking and performing in front of large groups". Through this experience children at an early age begin understand the expectations of a direct public speaking in which they, grow as a person throughout that that enables that to perform or speak fluent.
However, The lifestyle of a child beauty pageant contestant can be very stressful which eventually leads to mental breakdowns. Performing on stage can lead to a lot of stress and nerves wrecks leaving the child timid of letting their parents down. If the child happens to experience failure, a bundle of mixed emotion baffle through whereas frustrations creep in leading to emotional breakdowns. These emotional breakdowns leads to depression and other psychological complications. Child beauty pageants effects can be disastrous on the child's body and mind. Children develop eating disorders such as bulimia and anorexia to make their bodies look perfect.According to NEDA, 35 percent of normal dieters go on to pathological dieting; 20 to 25 percent of those go on to develop partial or full-synd.21 Children grow up with the mentally that the only way to earn money is through exploitation of their bodies. Children are put through hours of hair-dying, waxing, extreme dieting, tanning just so they can appeal beauty to the judge. During the early 1800’s beauty pageants have been used to idolize what a beautiful lady looks like. Throughout the years pageants have been exploiting the body of women, thus destroying the image of beauty as they go through extreme measures to fulfil these requirements and causing women to develop health issues mentally and physically.