AnnaI strongly believe that my audience should be informed about the inner conflicts that these girls face and how something that is seen to “lift” self esteem is something that destroys it instead.
Child beauty pageants destruct the childhood of young girls and create unhealthy habits in their lives which is why my issue is so important to study and be informed about. Through my research I desire to inform my community with evidence on why they should oppose beauty pageants and the destroying results of participating in pageant organizations. |
Cristal"Those that support beauty pageants believe it can be use as a way to boost up self-esteem. The pride of standing and modeling in front of an audience instills self-confidence and a sense of accomplishment.
Child beauty pageants effects can be disastrous on the child's body and mind. Children grow up with the mentally that the only way to earn money is through exploitation of their bodies. We look at these events as something for our children to embrace their confidence and beauty but we overlook at the dangers of beauty pageants. We see beyond the extremes they are put through just to be beautiful, or fit in with society's idea of what beauty is. |